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Graduation of the 1st Class of the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Regressive Therapy with MEC Registration. December 2017

Por admin | 16 dezembro 2017, 11:28

The Martha Mendes Institute brought to São Paulo, in partnership with the Idalino Almeida Institute, the postgraduate course in Regressive Therapy, registered at Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC). The course is the first of its kind in the world.

The course has been taking place for years in the city of Salvador (Brazil), in São Paulo was the first class. We have gathered some of the best teachers in the training. with students eager to learn, with responsibility and love.

We are already in the second class, which started in July 2017.

The third class will start in October 2018.

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Martha Mendes

Pedagoga, pós-graduada em Psicossomática e Terapia Regressiva, especialista em Florais de Bach, Hipnose Clínica e Ericksoniana, mestre em Bioeletrografia pela IUMAB- International Union of Medical and Applied Bioeletrography in Brazil, presidente do Instituto Martha Mendes e da ABHTR- Associação Brasileira de Hipnoterapia e Terapia Regressiva. Além disso é também membro certificado pela EARTh European Association for Regression Therapy, autora da Psicobiosofia®, pesquisadora dos Florais de Bach e escritora, estando como presidente do 2º Congresso Nacional de Terapia Regressiva, em SP/2010 e também do 7º Congresso de Hipnoterapia e Terapia Regressrriva, em SP/2019.

© 2019 Instituto Martha Mendes. Todos os direitos reservados. Rua Trípoli, 92 cjto 107 - Vila Leopoldina - São Paulo - SP CEP 05303-020

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